Athippazham ficus racemosa fruitsWhen it blooms once in three thousand years,,, a,search for the secret flower,,,,
According to Budhist belief,Fiicus trees bloom only once in three thousand years.

It is a celestial flower which does not exist in the material world,When the king of the golden wheel ,Thathagatha visits the human world, it flowers manifesing virtues and blessing.There It comes to symbolize events of strange occurence. Thathagatha comes to earth; turns the wheel ,maintains law and save oppressed people.

ficus religiosa,peepal tree,
Ficus is a genus of tropical trees ,shrubs which are mostly evergreen.It is a relatively an ancient genus being at least sixty million years old. Really the unseen flower is a legend or myth developed to explain the absence of a visual flower. The truth is that the flowers are enclosed within the fruit. The fig fruit is a multiple fruit in which the flowers and seeds grow together to form single mass.The flowers are arranged on the inner surface of the fruit. Tiny wasps crawl through the opening of the fruits in a search of a suitable place to lay eggs and nourishment for the next generation of wasps, the wasps helps pollination of figs happen.

Athippazham ficus racemosa fruits
The fig tree is often taken as the first tree in the Bible in Genesis
‘’And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aporns,,’’
Athi maram or Ficus racemosa is called Indian Fig tree,cluster fig tree . it is very unusual that the fruits grow close to the body.

Athippazham ficus racemosa fruits
Nalpamaram is an Ayurvedic medicine prepared by mixing the barks of the four trees of ficus genus.Ficus racemosa , Ficus micro carpa,Ithi, ficus religiosa,Peepal tree, and Ficus benghalenis ,banyan tree.

ficus micro carpa,Ithi
Nalpamaram is considered as an effective medicine for skin ailments,Athi is a medicine for various disorders such as liver disorders,diarrhea, inflamatory conditions.the tree posses anti pyretic (that alleviate fever.),anti filarial ,anti fungal properties.

ficus benghalenis ,banyan tree
The dark green leaves are ovate and petiolate.They are shed by december.
and replenished by January.Fig fruits are globular or depressed pear shaped.

athi maram
It is one of the trees mentioned in the ancient scriptures of Ayurveda.The Sanskrit name
Yajnanga,Yajnayasara ,’Yajna yoga are synonyms of the plant.This suggest the ritual significance in ritual sacrifices Yajna.The plant grows all over india.