Burial site & Kudakkalluparamb at Cheramanagad
69 megalithic monuments in a small area.

HOOD STONES at cheramanangad

33 multiple hood stone type burials.
Second largest concentration of hood stones.
No of stones in hood stones ranges from 5 to 9.
Intermediate between single hood stone and umbrella stone.
Circle sectorally dressed clinostats of laterite.
Clinostats tends to converge towards the top.
They do not join.
They have a circular gap in the middle.
ü Burial of an urn within a pit 1.05m depth
ü Relics- disintegrated bones, a vase in red ware, white painted bow.
ü The urn closed granite slab.
ü The pit was filled with same soil retrieved while digging wares,3 bowls and unidentified iron object were seen.
ü Multiple hood stone did not yield any interment.