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Kottamukku ,Ayilakkad. Naduvattam ,Kappur,the Tippusulthan road (south)

kottamukku ,were mysore sulthans started to build a fort.

kottamukku ,were mysore sulthans started to build a fort.

When we analyse the history of forts in Kerala ,we can trace forts in the name of  places eg Kottamukku’, Cherukode etc ;;we can also recognise the presence of forts  by analyzing the way in which  the older generation named their valappu or land they occupied. .some places bear the remains Koottanad fort,Trithala block.

 palakkad fort

palakkad fort

Fourthly the fortifications still remains as we find in Kerala .Forts were constructed using strengthened  mud and granites or stones .The earthen fortifications were called  VATA  in Malayalam. Eg Dharmaraja 1758’’1798 erected vatas in different places  to augment theNedunkotta which was construcfed   to resist Tippus attack on Travancore,

ponnani fishing harbour

Ponnani fishing harbour

Trade had been carried on for centuries from ports like Cochin. Calicut .‘Ponnani and Cannanore ports by Arabian merchants to gulf’.Much of this trade of precious goods had travelled through Palakkad region.h is believed that Hyderali realizing that it is impossible to control the ports of eastern  coast which are controlled by the English ,French and the Portuguese.,He turned his attention to the western coast where rulers were weak . Hyders army constituted mainly a calvary army and it was skilled in using was not easy for the calvary army to cross boarders through  narrow passes other than the Palakkad pass.

Palakkad region was ruled byKombi achan actually a tributary of the Zamorin.when his relations with the Zamorin  was strained. He  sent a deputation tio Hyderali seeking help fron him to resist the threatened invasion of the Zamorin.the Zamorin  invaded the strip Naduvattom.Hyderali seized upon this opportunity to gain possession of strategically important location such as Palakkad Hyderali ,the foujdar of the Dindigal  sent his brother in lawMukhdum sahib with2000 horses and 5000 infantry along  with cannons to Palakkad.The forces defeated th Zamorins army and they were driven to Ponnani valley.

In 1766 Hyderali invaded Malabar again. As per the Malabar days by Nick Balmer ,the Zamorins army led by Nair warriors set up an entrenched camp in a village named’ Podiaghari in’ Ponnani valley,. As described in Malabar days the attack of the village was led by a group of  english french and portuguese soldiers ,ie on behalf of Hyderali”the village was stormed in after a battle lasting many hours”. At last  the Zamorin army was defeated. Its  not easy to  identify the village Podiaghari in the present context.

Hyderali;s army being the calvary army needed road to move the cannons along with the army.It is believed that one such road named Tippusulthan road connects Koonanmoochi and Ponnani was constucted facilitating troop movement.when we travel from Ponnani to Koonanmoochi towards east along with the Tipusulthan road we reach Ayilakkadu,,then Kottamukku.

kottamukku    where the relics othe rock remained

kottamukku where the relics othe rock remained

We found that some place bear the remains of fort. Such a place is Kottamukku, near ayilakkad and Pookkarathara.We can see the ramparts of the fort. The remains of the fort have been disappeared It is believed thatTippu sulthan or Hyderali started to build a fort at Kottamukku near Ayilakkad.

ayilakkad wetlands

ayilakkad wetlands

Ayilakkad a wonderful spot with alluring scenic beauty with  serene back waters and wetlands.the fisherfolk ,nets, canoes and migrating birds add charm to this village. .

sunset ayilakkad

sunset  ayilakkad

. If we travel from Ayilakkad to Koonanmoochi of Thrithala block along with Tippusulthan road kuttippuram Thrissur state highway intersects it at Naduvattom.

naduvattom tippu sulthan road intersects with kuttippuram trichur road

naduvattom tippu sulthan road intersects with kuttippuram trichur road

This place should not be taken as the Naduvattom that was attacked by the Zamorin. If you go along the Tppu sulthan road we reach Kappur  a place in Thrithala block, Palakkad district. The women folk of that region took off their favourite thick wrist bangle “kappu” and generously gave that to the soldiers who were appointed to resist Tippus attack. The Tippu sulthan road joints with Ponnani Palakkad road at Koonan moohi near Thanneercode in Palakkad district.

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