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The second phase of Megalithic excavation at ponnathanira which commenced on April 26. Under the leadership of Doctor Rajan Gurukkal and Dr Shajan came to an end by the week of june 2009. The team of excavation included Mrs. Sreelatha. Rajesh, Mohammed. Rachel, Shibi and then 5 year old Akku.  The site is situated at ponnathaannira hillocks near Anakkara boarding Malappuram district.

Rock cut chambers and stone circles are familiar artifact to archeologists.  But the most unique aspect of Anakkara second phase megalithic burial site excavation is the discovery of three chambered tomb within a stone circle.


The laterite rocks cut caves of the burial site constitutes three chambers. Each one with a length of two meters and one and half meters breadth.  The chamber has ten centimeter long bench or cot like berths.

The rock cut caves revealed their remarkable skill in designing and executing structures. It seems incredible when we think on the mobilization of the collective labour involved in the construction.

The carnelian beads, fragmented potteries, painted black ware and red ware, Laterite blocks and 60 centimeter long sword include among the articles recovered from the three chambered rock cut cave. Carnelian beads have etched decoration comprising angular design.Tiny terracottan beads have been spotted among the mortuary valuables.


The carnelian beads suggests the circulation of non local goods through some forms of exchange .  Let’s assume that buried person in the tomb would have been a person of highest rank during that age.


The architectural remains like post holes never ceased to spring surprises on the common man.  The presence of several holes in the iron rich laterite block worth studying in detail.

Well known historians of south india Dr. KN Ganesh. Dr Cheriyaan, Dr. Rajan kurukkal and Dr. Shelvaraj visited the site.  Anakkara excavations phase two could break new grounds in the history of megalithic period that has sepulchral associations.

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